In this edition:

  • Denso Steelcoat Systems standing the test of time in pipebridge revisits
  • Denso protects phase 2 of the NSC Pipeline
  • SeaShield project revisited 10+ years after the original application
  • Denso Steelcoat Stsem is used to protect oil storage tank bases in Fujairah
  • Viscotaq protection for buried perma-Pipe
  • New Kapalama Container Terminal utilizes Denso and Viscotaq protected tie rods
  • Denso Bitumen Tape Wrap System repairs damaged factory coating

In this edition:

  • In-Situ training over Densopol 80HT System
  • Denso Bore-Wrap protects a power station’s gas pipeline during HHD installation in Northern Ireland
  • Wasterwater pipeline protected during HDD pull back under river with Denso Bore-Wrap
  • Buried oil pipeline using the Densopol 80HT System for corrosion protection
  • Viscotaq protects below ground pipeline and fittings
  • Buried gas pipeline in South Africa using Denso Butyl Tapes for corrosion prevention
  • Denso SeaShield System used to provide steel mooring & fender pile protection
  • Viscotaq approved to repair potable water tanks in Australia
  • Denso SeaShield chosen to protect Alcatraz wharf piles

In this edition: A special issue celebrating the 140th Anniversary of Winn & Coales International Ltd. Contains a look back over the past 140 years and a global selection of current applications featuring many of the company’s major brands.


  • Celebration of 140 years and the timeline history of the company
  • Showing the Corrosion Prevention product brands
  • Viscotaq System used to rehabilitate gas pipeline sections
  • Steelcoat system protecting caustic duct pipes
  • Protal 7200 – liquid applied coating of choice for the past 23 years in Canada
  • Viscotaq  used to help waterproof apartment balconies
  • Protal ST Epoxy used to coat shed floor
  • Shiplift Piles – 15 years later, update using the SeaShield 2000FD System for corrosion prevention pile protection
  • Bore-Wrap used for HDD installation of steel pipeline
  • Exposed pipeline protected with the Denso Steelcoat 500 System
  • 295 marine piles in the UAE protected with the SeaShield 2000FD and 70 Series System

In this special SeaShield™ Issue celebrating 50 yeas of protecting marine structures edition:

  • An Overview of the HIstory of the SeaShield Systems Protecting Piles
  • Scotland’s Tiree Pierhead Jetty Piles Protecting with SeaShield 2000FD System
  • Falmouth Fuel Piers in the UK Using SeaShield 2000FD & 100 System for Their Support Piles and Pipes
  • Long-Term Corrosion Prevention to I-95 Long Bridge Steel Piles in Sandpoint, Idaho with the SeaShield 2000HD System
  • Coal Loading Jetty Steel Piles Protected with the SeaShield 2000 FD System in Australia
  • Timber Trestle Bridge Piles Protected from Corrosion with the SeaShield 500 System in Australia
  • Canada’s Black Sturgeon River Bridge Steel Piles Using SeaShield 2000HD System for Corrosion Prevention
  • SeaShield Fiber-Forms Used to Protect Wooden Piles Used for Resting Bird Perches in California
  • Kuwait’s Al-Zour LNG Projects Utilizing the SeaShield 2000FD System to Protect 671 Steel Jetty Piles form Corrosion

In this edition:

  • Viscotaq™ Joins the Denso Family
  • Denso USA Makes Sure Wind Turbines Aren’t Blown Away with Corrosion
  • Denso™ Protection for a Partially Buried Cooling Tower Pipe Sleeve
  • Denso P2 System™ Used in Refurbishment of Old Water Pumping Station
  • SeaShield™ System Protects Reservoir Concrete Support Columns
  • SeaShield™ Systems Protect Navigation Beacons
  • Denso™ Protection for Indian Fertilizer Plant Pipeline
  • JSW Jaigad Port Prestressed Cables Protected with a Denso™ System
  • Steelcoat 100™ System Protects the UK’s First Stainless Steel Road Bridge
  • Denso Tape™ System Used in Refurbishment of Iconic Dublin Landmark
  • SEWA – Hamdah to Bediyah Carbon Steel Main Transmission Pipeline Protected with Denso™

In this edition:

  • SeaShield™ Systems Protect Manx Outfall Pipe
  • SeaShield 400™ & SeaShield 70™ Protection for Timber Piles
  • SeaShield 500™ System Protects Historic Yellowstone Bridge
  • Port of Seattle Piers Protected with SeaShield 2000HD™ System
  • City of Juneau H-Piles Protected with SeaShield 2000HD™ System
  • City of Ketchikan Cruise Ship Dock: 10 Years with SeaShield™
  • SeaShield™ Protects Steel Piles and Cross Beams
  • SeaShield™ Protects Western Isles Bridge Piles
  • SeaShield™ Protection for Bulk Export Port Wharf Piles
  • SeaShield™ Protection for BlueScope Wharf Piles
  • SeaShield 2000FD™ Protects the GSPC LNG Jetty
  • SeaShield™ System Protects Piles in Qatar Holiday Island Resort